Monday, November 06, 2006

Who is Jesus? The Lamb that was Slain!

In the last post, (Who is Jesus? Jesus is God) we established the deity of Jesus. And in this post I would like to explore the sacrifice of Jesus.

One day when John was baptizing in the Jordan river he saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

The sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvary was foretold and even demonstrated centuries earlier in the Old Testament days of Abraham. God tested Abraham by instructing him to take his only son Isaac and sacrifice him on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. So they traveled for three days, carrying the wood for the sacrifice. (Note the parallels to Jesus' crucifiction) When the time came that Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, the angel of the Lord stopped him and instead provided a suitable sacrifice. Genesis 22: 1-14

A. Carried wood.
B. Yielded to will of father.
C. Dead in mind of Abraham three days

In the 12th chapter of Exodus, God tells Moses to instruct the congregation of Israel to take a lamb for each household and sacrifice it, then taking some of the blood and put it on the doorposts and the lintel in order to escape the coming judgement that was to occur in the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:1-13

So far then have a demonstration of the sacrificial lamb and the atoning blood from a sacrificial lamb. Now let us see how this is carried out in the New Testament with Jesus.

One day, John the Baptist, was baptizing in the Jordan river, and saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" 'John came as a preacher of repentance, yet he told his followers that they were to look for the pardon of their sins to Jesus only, and to his death. It agrees with God's glory to pardon all who depend on the atoning sacrifice of Christ. He takes away the sin of the world; purchases pardon for all that repent and believe the gospel.' 1

'But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him,' Romans 5:8-9. Here we see how the shed blood saves us from the wrath of God as was demonstrated in Exodus 12:1-3.

Now we have established Jesus Christ as the sacrificial lamb who was slain so that through His shel blood we can be saved. I would encourage you to use a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance or Nave's Topical Bible and investigate even more references on this topic.

1- pg 981, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers


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